Hey, I have a question regarding the google native...
# google-cloud
Hey, I have a question regarding the google native provider for Pulumi. Is it fully maintained by Pulumi, or is Google supporting this as well?
It’s fully maintained by Pulumi. We do suggest that for production environments you use the Google Cloud Classic provider as there may be breaking changes introduced in minor version updates
Thanks for the quick response Piers!
As a follow-up, is there a place in the roadmap regarding the native provider for google? (GitHub doesn't have anything) The only news about it was from a blog post back in 2021 or so.
That’s a great question. Let me take a look
I can’t see anything on the public road map, but let me ask internally
“We’re working with Google to improve the API specs that we use to generate the provider based on our experience with the provider over the past year or so. We won’t be able to make significant progress on the provider until those upstream changes are made, but we’re continuing to meet with Google and provide feedback in the meantime.”
tl;dr we’re working with Google but won’t really be updating the provider until the upstream APIs are updated
Thanks Piers!