I couldn’t see any advice online so I’ve written a...
# announcements
I couldn’t see any advice online so I’ve written a blog about implementing Feature flags with Pulumi. It demonstrate how to exploit the Pulumi configuration system and deploy stacks with optional features while maintaining a single source code branch. Whilst the example project is written in python and deploys to AWS, you could apply its concepts to the other programming languages or cloud providers that Pulumi supports. Comments/feedback welcome!
@most-state-94104 this would make a great addition to the "Awesome Pulumi" list. Will you send a PR? https://github.com/pulumiverse/awesome-pulumi/
Would love to 🙂
... and merged! Thank you!
Dr. @most-state-94104 just wanted to say that i found your article awhile back and it really helped us solve some problems...thanks for the great write up!
@abundant-vegetable-12924 You made my day thanks 🙂