Hello, I need to configure kubelet on my EKS clust...
# aws
Hello, I need to configure kubelet on my EKS cluster as indicated here. Does anyone have any experience with this with Pulumi?
Do you mean that you want to update kubectl to point to your EKS cluster?
if so you can just use local from “@pulumi/command” and do something like (typescript example)
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const kc = new local.Command("execkc", {
    create: pulumi.interpolate`aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ${cluster.eksCluster.name}`
where cluster is
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const cluster = new eks.Cluster(...);
kubelet is the process that runs on each eks node and is used to configure the node in the cluster, make it join the cluster.
In order to configure nodeLocalDns, you need to change parameters for this process as indicated in the link.