Hello, Is there is a reason why the default API v...
# azure
Hello, Is there is a reason why the default API version for ACR is so old? https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/azure-native/api-docs/containerregistry/registry/#create API Version: 2019-05-01. Seems that this version does not support encryption.
Sorry, we’re just a bit behind on releasing a new major version of the Azure Native plugin. We can’t bump API versions in a minor version step because it’ll change the API. That being said, all API versions are available using explicit imports. In Go, for instance, you can import
, similar for ACR.
Indeed, yes, that's what I mentioned to the team as well, that they should, for now, use the API version using explicit import instead of complaining 😉 I was just curious to know when it will be updated to work out of the box.
We’re planning for the first half of this year.
There’s nothing wrong with using explicit API versions, though. If you’d use the Azure API directly, you’d have to do that as well.