I'm seeing some strange behavior around secrets an...
# general
I'm seeing some strange behavior around secrets and error logging from the
in TypeScript. I provide a private key by reading it from a file, and then marking it as sensitive data by wrapping its content using
Copy code
const privateKey = pulumi.secret(fs.readFileSync(privateKeyFileName).toString())
Note how I don't keep the raw file content around for security purposes, and I've verified that this is the variable I'm passing directly as the connection options. But if the CopyFile command fails, e.g. the VM is not running, it still error logs the raw private key - which I don't want in the error logs. Weirdly the private key password that I get as a secret from the pulumi config is shown as the expected
in the CopyFile error message. I'm thinking that the CopyFile may use the raw private key value for logging by mistake, but I couldn't locate the source code for the CopyFile command in GitHub (where is it??). Is this a bug in CopyFile? Edit: There appears to be different semantics for the error logging of
vs secrets retrieved from config via
. The former is logged as raw by CopyFile for privateKey, exposing the secret, the latter error logs as
Error log from using
on a string read from the file system as private key:
Copy code
error: command:remote:CopyFile resource 'customer-test-copy': property connection value {&{{map[dialErrorLimit:{10} port:{22} privateKey:{-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
Error log from using
as private key:
Copy code
error: command:remote:CopyFile resource 'customer-test-copy': property connection value {&{{map[dialErrorLimit:{10} port:{22} privateKey:{[secret]} privateKeyPassword:{[secret]}
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