Anyone have any thoughts about deploying container...
# azure
Anyone have any thoughts about deploying containers to Azure Container Instances via Pulumi? They're in that weird intersection of "infrastructure" and "runtime" that I'm not sure if Pulumi is a good fit or not.
I'm doing container apps using pulumi. Had to find a good balance but I think I've found something that works for me
I've my 'core' infrastructure from my 'application specific' infrastructure. This app specific infra is in a specific stack. That is what I deploy as part of my ci-cd pipeline
We're also using it to deploy container apps.
We have management stack per sub and sort of a management stack per env. So what gets deployed for the actual container app is what CD runs. It sounds similar to what Erwin is doing :)
@incalculable-napkin-4298 Have you done anything with custom domain names and ContainerApps? We use APIM also and I have code that uses the preview feature to create a managed certificate. I wish they had that for CA's.
Yes and No, I've placed an application gateway in front of my container apps. That's what I'm using to configure my custom domain names and ssl termination.
ah, do you don't have to add a cert to the container app env?
oh, also, you're using a custom vnet?
that makes sense
K right on, feeling a bit better about it now!
Have y'all hit any issues that I should look out for?
Just hit this exact issue with our deployment 😞
They support managed certificates now but I haven’t looked to see if it’s in the latest azure provider.
I got around this without managed certs, the managed environment is in a different stack than the container apps.