hello! has anyone encountered this error when migr...
# general
hello! has anyone encountered this error when migrating an existing stack from pulumi docker v3 (specifically 3.1.0) to 4.0.1?
Copy code
  docker:index:Image (api-image):
    error: expected '::' in provider reference ''
building a stack from scratch seems to work well
Looks like a malformed id. You could export your stack and look at all the ids of your Image resources.
There may be an empty id, or maybe an id with a colon in it?
let me double check, but iโ€™d expect new stacks would fail too, but those work well
I ran into this. My statefile never had a provider for the docker Image. Apparently this was valid for v3 but v4 requires it
I didn't find a good solution. I ended up deleting my image from Pulumi state and recreating it ๐Ÿคท
I probably should have created a Github Issue for it ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
thanks for the info mike! ok ill try out removing the images from the state for now. i can also create an issue for it in case itโ€™s a simple fix, or at least have it documented on the version 4 release notes
That's be great if you could create the issue! Since you have the details more handy given that my state is long fixed ๐Ÿ™‚
hi folks! yes, it appears that because the Image resource is newly schematized in the provider, there may in fact be a manual stack update needed. As far as I know, we don't have a less manual resolution available, as this is truly the first time we are doing this to one of our resources. Of course I will double check with the team. Thanks everyone for your patience. I updated the issue Brian filed [here](https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/issues/563#issuecomment-1485681867) and also added the steps to the migration guide for v4. ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™€๏ธ
I spoke too soon! We did in fact alias this resource so this should Just Work. We're tracking this down.