Hi all, I'm working on some refactoring of my Pulu...
# general
Hi all, I'm working on some refactoring of my Pulumi project. How can I rename the
field of
gracefully? If I just modify the field in the file with Vim, that results in changing all URNs and recreating all the existing resources
Copy code
$ cat Pulumi.yaml            
name: Infrastructure
runtime: dotnet
description: my infrastructure
Copy code
name: NetworkInfra
runtime: dotnet
description: my network infrastructure
I've never used it though, don't know exactly how it'll work. At a guess, you'll need to rename each stack.
We have limited experience with Pulumi using S3 as a backend; I’m not sure how namespacing/changing projects via
stack rename
works in that case. The (long) way we’ve done this is roughly: • export stack to json • change project name in yaml • find/replace old proj name --> new proj name in json • import stack • update config (old values are namespaced to the old stack name still) Unfortunately this has to be done on a stack-by-stack basis, so not fun when you have lots of envs. Would be great to know the way to use
stack rename
with just an S3 bucket. Maybe it’s just
? 🙂 I guess I could’ve tried that first…
The docs say "fully-qualified stack name", which would be project/stack for local stacks.
Thank you — do the docs actually specify that anywhere, by the way? e.g. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/stack/ doesn’t make that clear to me. It’s very helpful!
(I mean, the project/stack standard. I actually never thought of using the s3 backend as “local”, so that’s good to know as well.)
(That project/stack standard also isn’t clear to me from the
stack rename
doc link, fwiw. But thank you!)
Yes, it's not clear, I'm inferring it from this line:
You can also rename the stack’s project by passing a fully-qualified stack name as well.
Thank you!
Has anybody had any success in renaming the
field of
(is it called a "project"?)
Copy code
$ cat Pulumi.yaml            
name: Infrastructure
runtime: dotnet
description: my infrastructure
Copy code
name: NetworkInfra
runtime: dotnet
description: my network infrastructure
If I just use Vim to modify the field, that results in changing all URNs and recreating all the existing resources. I'm using an S3 backend, fwiw.
pulumi stack rename NetworkInfra/network-infra
threw this error:
error: stack names are limited to 100 characters and may only contain alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores, or periods: "NetworkInfra/network-infra"
I think this will be fixed in the next cli release