Hi everyone, I am struggling with something I feel...
# typescript
Hi everyone, I am struggling with something I feel is very basic, I have the following FargateService definition, I am trying to configure the Role for
, but it keeps rejecting it:
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const fargateTaskRole = new aws.iam.Role(`${appName}-fargate-task`, {
    assumeRolePolicy: JSON.stringify({
        Version: "2012-10-17",
        Statement: [

const appService = new awsx.ecs.FargateService(`${appName}-app-svc`, {
    cluster: cluster.arn,
    desiredCount: 0,
    taskDefinitionArgs: {
        taskRole: fargateTaskRole,
        container: {
            name: `${appName}-sync-container`,
            image: img.imageUri,
            cpu: 102,
            memory: 50,
It won't allow me to assign fargateTaskRole to taskRole. The error is:
Type 'Role' has no properties in common with type 'DefaultRoleWithPolicyArgs'.
Curious if you are using an IDE. It's easy to inspect the
type if you are... it's
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interface DefaultRoleWithPolicyArgs {
         * Args to use when creating the role and policies. Can't be specified if `roleArn` is used.
        args?: inputs.awsx.RoleWithPolicyArgs;
         * ARN of existing role to use instead of creating a new role. Cannot be used in combination with `args` or `opts`.
        roleArn?: pulumi.Input<string>;
         * Skips creation of the role if set to `true`.
        skip?: boolean;
so basically instead of
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taskDefinitionArgs: {
        taskRole: fargateTaskRole,
you need
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taskDefinitionArgs: {
        taskRole: { roleArn: fargateTaskRole.arn },
You're right Mike, thanks! I didn't think about inspecting it. Much appreciated!