Hi everyone! I know a lot of you want to use the ...
# google-cloud
Hi everyone! I know a lot of you want to use the latest gke-gcloud-auth-plugin with GitHub Actions – so do I, and having the itch for a few months now I’ve created a GitHub Action that solves that for us. Just add this to your workflow, and I’ll be installed:
Copy code
- uses: cobraz/setup-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin@v1
Feel free to contribute by opening issues and PRs here: https://github.com/cobraz/setup-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
Cool. Regarding the
action, note that you can avoid storing a GCP credential file as a GitHub secret, using GitHub OIDC: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/deployment/security-hardening-your-deployments/configuring-openid-connect-in-google-cloud-platform