Hi Lee Do you have a few mins? I am using crosswal...
# general
Hi Lee Do you have a few mins? I am using crosswalk for eks. As per https://www.pulumi.com/blog/crosswalk-for-aws-1-0/ if I set nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress as false for the cluster, the nodes will have private IPs, however this isn't working this way.
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export const cluster = new eks.Cluster(`${stack}-eks-cluster`, {
    name: `${stack}-eks-cluster`,
    skipDefaultNodeGroup: true,
    version: eksConfig.version,
    createOidcProvider: true,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    deployDashboard: false,
    storageClasses: eksConfig.volumeType,
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    useDefaultVpcCni: true,
    instanceRoles: [role],
    nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress: false,
    kubernetesServiceIpAddressRange: eksConfig.kubernetesServiceIpAddressRange,
    tags: {
        Environment: stack,

eksConfig.nodegroup.forEach((nodeGroupDetail, index) => {
    eks.createManagedNodeGroup(`${stack}-managed-ng-${index}`, {
        cluster: cluster,
        nodeGroupName: `${stack}-managed-ng-${index}`,
        capacityType: nodeGroupDetail.capacityType,
        instanceTypes: [nodeGroupDetail.type],
        scalingConfig: {
            desiredSize: nodeGroupDetail.desiredCapacity,
            minSize: nodeGroupDetail.minSize,
            maxSize: nodeGroupDetail.maxSize,
        labels: Object.fromEntries(nodeGroupDetail.labels.map(({ key, value }) => [key, value])),
        nodeRole: role,
    }, cluster);
I am expecting the nodes in the node group to use the private subnets, however it aint working that way. Am I missing something here?
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nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress: false,
This is for the default node group, and you’re create another managed node group
what is actually happening?
Ah okay, well the nodes in the managed node groups are getting ips in private and public subnets at random
Is there a similar setting for the managed node group?
first suggestion would be to disable the default node group
skipDefaultNodeGroup: true
I already have that property set to true
ah yes
how did you build your private subnet?
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export const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc(`${stack}-eks-vpc`, {
    numberOfAvailabilityZones: eksConfig.vpc.length,
    cidrBlock: eksConfig.cidrRange,
    numberOfNatGateways: eksConfig.vpc.length,
    subnets: eksConfig.vpc.map((instance, index) => {
        return <awsx.ec2.VpcSubnetArgs[]>[{
            type: "private",
            name: `${stack}-private-eks-subnet-${index}`,
            location: {
                availabilityZone: instance.zoneName,
                cidrBlock: instance.privateCidr,
            tags: {
                Environment: stack,
                "<http://kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb|kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb>": "1"
            type: "public",
            name: `${stack}-public-eks-subnet-${index}`,
            location: {
                availabilityZone: instance.zoneName,
                cidrBlock: instance.publicCidr,
            tags: {
                Environment: stack,
                "<http://kubernetes.io/role/elb|kubernetes.io/role/elb>": "1"
    }).flatMap(s => s),
okay what does a node look like that isn’t behaving as expected?
well the node is getting assigned IPs from the public subnet. I was under the assumption that the nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress along with privateSubnetIds and publicSubnetIds when creating the cluster forces all nodes to be on private IPs
it should, there must be a configuration issue somewhere
Any pointers will be really helpful 😄
• check the autoscaling group your nodes are deployed into • verify the subnets the asg is targetting • check the subnet definition to ensure “auto assign public ip addresses” isn’t set • make sure all nodes in the group are in the same ASG
• I haven't created an autoscaling group, just the managed node group with a scaling config, only the desired size of the scaling config is created during pulumi up(and these nodes are the ones with random private/public ips)
The code I sent here is pretty much all the bits and pieces used for the creation of the vpc, EKS and its managed node groups. I can't seem to find anything there that suggests its a misconfig
short of a screen share or running the code myself, it’s difficult to say what the issue is. Unfortunately i don’t have cycles to dive deeper right now
All good, if at some point you have the time for a quick screen share please lemme know
@billowy-army-68599 one other thing, when I am making a change to the property nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress and doing a pulumi up, this change is not even getting picked up.
that’s because you disabled the default node group, so there’s nothing to make changes to 🙂
so this property won't impact the managed node group right? Is there an equivalent property on the managed node group?
On the managednodegroup I found the value.
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     * Make subnetIds optional, since the cluster is required and it contains it.
     * Default subnetIds is chosen from the following list, in order, if
     * subnetIds arg is not set:
     *   - core.subnetIds
     *   - core.privateIds
     *   - core.publicSublicSubnetIds
     * This default logic is based on the existing subnet IDs logic of this
     * package: <https://git.io/JeM11>
    subnetIds?: pulumi.Input<pulumi.Input<string>[]>;
I haven't set core.subnetIds explicitly, I guess since subnetIds have all the values, it uses all subnets for the managed node group
oh man, totally missed that in your code. yes, set the private Subnet IDs on the nodegroup
Yeah, I ll do that, but QQ if the core.subnetIds will have all the subnets anyway, won't the default subnetId always go to all the subnets in VPC regardless