Howdy all, I was trying to use AWS Native to manag...
# aws
Howdy all, I was trying to use AWS Native to manage an RDS cluster but for some reason when I try to delete the cluster instance I get the following error:
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aws-native:rds:DBInstance (rdsInstance):
    error: operation DELETE failed with "InvalidRequest": FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier can not be specified when deleting a cluster instance (Service: Rds, Status Code: 400, Request ID: a477dccc-baed-4cbc-94c0-878e5ed8f3af)
I do not have any reference to a final snapshot identifier in the configuration, so I'm confused as to why it is complaining about there being one. For reference, here is the configuration for the cluster and instance:
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// Create the cluster
const rdsCluster = new awsn.rds.DBCluster(`${applicationName}-pg`, {
  dBClusterIdentifier: applicationName,
  engine: aws.rds.AuroraPostgresqlEngine,
  engineVersion: "14.6",
  databaseName: "wagtail",
  masterUserPassword: dbPass,
  masterUsername: "mcpgadmin",
  serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration: {
    maxCapacity: maxDBCapacity,
    minCapacity: 0.5,
  vpcSecurityGroupIds: [],

// Create the instance
const rdsInstance = new awsn.rds.DBInstance("rdsInstance", {
  dBInstanceClass: "db.serverless",
  engine: aws.rds.AuroraPostgresqlEngine,
  engineVersion: "14.6",
  port: "5432"
}, { replaceOnChanges: ["port"] });
sounds like a bug, could you file an issue in the aws-native repo
you might need to add
Ctrl-F for "skip" on the DBCluster and DBInstance docs turned up nothing, so I'll just file an issue I guess