Hello. I am using the Pulumi Automation API to aut...
# general
Hello. I am using the Pulumi Automation API to automate my infrastructure. Here I have some generative code that creates Resources for me. Now, if I want to create a RabbitMQ Resource, I need to call
new Resource
... with a password, that is auto-generated on the fly. As soon as I hit the same code next time, I don't have that password any longer. I don't want to generate a new password everytime I run the same code, so I'd rather try to see if the resource already exists and load this, instead of creating a new one. Is there a way how to do that? The documentation is not quite clear on this. Also, I have a Dynamic Resource where I do this myself. I see that there is the read() Function for, I assume, this case. But I don't find any way on how to trigger this function during my automation code. Any pointers to documentation, example code, or what to search for would be much appreciated
how is that password generated on the fly? we do use
for generating passwords (secret) that don’t change in the same state
I use automation api to provide my own system. I basically have my own infrastructure json where some resources in there will be managed by pulumi code. But for Pulumi I need to do the whole
new resource
thing for my resources to keep them. But as the password is being ultimately saved in 1password, I don't want to update it every time. PLUS I try to prevent having to load each password while going through the infrastructure, as I have my own marker if resources need to be changed
@cuddly-easter-41456 have you tried the
resource to generate stable passwords? This will also declaratively create a new password once and use the same password on every next run of the same stack. https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/random/api-docs/randompassword/
I will have a deeper look into this, thanks