I'm getting a failure converting to a multi-AZ RDS...
# general
I'm getting a failure converting to a multi-AZ RDS cluster:
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+-  β”œβ”€ aws:rds:Cluster                postgres   replace     [diff: ~availabilityZones,dbClusterInstanceClass]
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error: 1 error occurred:
    	* creating RDS Cluster (...): DBClusterAlreadyExistsFault: DB Cluster already exists
    	status code: 400, request id: ...
I'm still testing the deployment, so I'm going to bring the whole thing down and go from there, just wondering if this is expected.
is disabled.
did you set an explicit name for the db?
? If so, yes.
set delete before replace before changing the properties
Right on, thanks a bunch πŸ™‚
In general, is the recommended approach to not set explicit names except where absolutely necessary, in order to let Pulumi bring stuff up while the previous incarnation still exists?
yes ideally
I've had a few cases where it was to resolve a circular dependency, e.g. having to specify an ARN for something else before the resource was up, although that's usually policies and I could attach the policy after the dependencies are created. Otherwise, it's for interacting with things outside of Pulumi which expect the resources to have certain names, which is a harder problem to fix, but I could potentially audit what those are and dump the rest.
Tbh for the RDS situation, I'll eventually look into whether I can have Pulumi migrate data from one to another while they are both up, if there are hooks to do such a thing.
On a related note, I'm running into this now with
. I would generate a tag based on the date, but then it's going to end up modifying/replacing the cluster every run. Is there a way to ask Pulumi for a unique (hopefully prefixed) identifier that will be persisted in state?
This is what I'm referring to:
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error: deleting urn:pulumi:...::...::aws:rds/cluster:Cluster::postgres: 1 error occurred:
    	* deleting RDS Cluster (...): DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault: Cannot create the cluster snapshot because one with the identifier ... already exists.
yeah, use
to generate a random id πŸ™‚
@billowy-army-68599 Nice! I've set that up with
like so:
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finalSnapshotIdentifier: postgresRetainFinalSnapshot ? postgresFinalSnapshotNameRandom.hex : undefined,
Hopefully that looks reasonable. I feel like
might be relevant, but it says to look at the
docs, which don't explain too much πŸ˜‰
Now I'm getting a dependency issue again bringing down a security group, but this time the explicit
is there, which is troubling:
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error: deleting urn:pulumi:...::...::aws:rds/subnetGroup:SubnetGroup::...: 1 error occurred:
    	* deleting RDS Subnet Group (...): InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault: Cannot delete the subnet group '...' because at least one database cluster: ... is still using it.
But the dependency is there for the cluster:
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{ dependsOn: [postgresSg], deleteBeforeReplace: true },
Know what might be up?
Think that’s the opposite? The subnet group depends on the cluster too, at least you cannot delete it until the cluster is gone.
@gentle-daybreak-46874 If you can't delete the SG until the cluster is gone, then the cluster depends on the SG.
dependsOn: [x, y]
means the resource needs to come up after
, and be brought down before
@billowy-army-68599 Does the usage of
above seem legit?
I'm thinking it will be treated like any other dependent resource and will only come down when the cluster goes down, which is basically what a final snapshot should have.
But maybe it needs to be cross-linked with
keepers: {x: somethingFromCluster.apply(x => ...)
Since it's higher in the dependency hierarchy, that may work fine when I'm bringing the whole deployment down, but not convinced it's enough without
for a recreate.
On the other hand, this looks a little bit fishy to me πŸ™‚
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const postgresSgName = `${deployTag}-postgres-sg`;
const postgresClusterIdentifier = `${deployTag}-postgres`;
let postgresFinalSnapshotNameRandomKeepers: Record<string, string> = {};
const postgresFinalSnapshotNameRandom = new random.RandomId('postgres-final-snapshot-random', {
  prefix: `${deployTag}-postgres-final-snapshot-`,
  byteLength: 4,
  keepers: postgresFinalSnapshotNameRandomKeepers,
const postgresCluster = new aws.rds.Cluster(...);
postgresCluster.id.apply((id) => (postgresFinalSnapshotNameRandomKeepers['clusterId'] = id));