is it possible to ensure pulumi does not delete a ...
# general
is it possible to ensure pulumi does not delete a stack if there are other stacks depending on it? (I’ve searched in slack already for pulumi destroy in a couple of ways and nothing relevant turned up).
I don't think so. Stacks know which other stacks they depend on; they don't know which stack depend on them.
One option might be to use automation api.
I considered this - I know our guys have made the mistake of nuking a stack that was a dependancy…. not a pretty sight.
Sounds like your permissions are... too permissive 😉
Stack deletion should require more than a simple PR!
In this case it was someone deleting a portion of their multi stack dev system.
I know @lemon-agent-27707 has spoke about getting the service to understand stack references better because it does have a global view of all stacks and so can say "this stack is used by other stacks so don't delete it". Worth raising an ask at
We do have an issue open add the concept of "protected stacks" similar to protected resources: Would you mind giving that a 👍 and adding a comment with any notes you might have?
Pulumi dung has an example of automation api with dependencies. So stand up stack A and it does B first then A. Destroy A and it destroys B first with approval prompts of course. Just automation api running over multiple stacks.