Philosophical question about the open-source-ness ...
# general
Philosophical question about the open-source-ness of Pulumi: The self-hosted state backend with S3 has been great. I do wish I could self-host a service backend without paying for a license. I'd like access to some basic features like the ability to set tags and record stack config values.
I don't think Pulumi markets the service as open source, do they?
Wouldn't stack config values typically be stored in your Git history?
Stack tags aren't in the stack config files. They're stored in the service only. But I think everything else is in the config files.
Ah, in my case, I'm using the automation API, so there is no config file. Or there may be one, but not containing the values for each stack. In theory, you can point Pulumi at a different backend URL. If that's true then my question implies another: would it be possible for an open-source group to create their own Pulumi backend that isn't as featureful?
Assuming that the API is well-defined via an open sourced swagger or similar, then.. yep! 🙂
Ah cool got you. Yeah storing config values + tags as part of the state or alongside sounds like a good idea.