debugging plugins and configuration keys Hello, o...
# contribute
debugging plugins and configuration keys Hello, on GitHub I found the PR that adds support to attach the engine to a running plugin via the env var
. My problem is that, even before being able to use the debugger, I get an RPC error as follows: Start plugin and get port:
Copy code
Start the engine:
Copy code
$ PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS=hcloud:52401 pulumi up
Previewing update (dev):
  pulumi:providers:hcloud (default):
    error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = required configuration keys were missing
Where do I get these
required configuration keys
? thanks!
This is configuration that the provider requires. In this case, looks like only `hcloud:token`/`HCLOUD_TOKEN` - is it set?
Aaaah. I was passing
as env var to the engine; are you saying that I should instead, for the attach to work, pass it to the plugin?
Yes! It works!
Great! Sorry for the unhelpful error message.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Since we are talking about plugin debugging/development, any chance to mention these instructions in the hugo repo? To help people to get started?
That’s a good point. Probably here which already mentions TF_LOG.
Yes exactly. As a dev new to pulumi but with a certain experience, I found that page and when I saw the TF_LOG I hoped there was something less painful and searching around I stumbled upon the PR that PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS. So yes, that page would be perfect.
Less painful == less painful than adding printf and looking at the logs.