hello, wonderful community! :cute-pulumi-heart: w...
# announcements
hello, wonderful community! cute pulumi heart we shipped some changes to our docs today. you will notice a new docs navigation. pulumi.com/docs we hope this helps you more easily find what you are looking for. but if it doesn’t, we are also super happy to keep iterating. a few key points… - language SDKs are now found on the language pages in the
Languages & SDKs
section - continuous delivery guides, policy as code, and testing are now all found in the
Using Pulumi
section - rest api documentation for the Pulumi Cloud is now found in the
Pulumi Cloud
section if ya can’t find anything ur looking for, pls def reach out. more magical changes to docs coming soon!! 🚀
Regarding the Languages & SDKs in the sidebar, that is appreciated! I have an issue in that as a long time user coming back for this as a reference though sending me away from the reference. Take this flow for example: 1. Click https://www.pulumi.com/docs/languages-sdks/ 2. Click TypeScript (Node.js) https://www.pulumi.com/docs/languages-sdks/javascript/ 3. Click AWS logo, I'm out of the SDK reference and into getting started documentation instead of https://www.pulumi.com/docs/clouds/aws/ or https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/ If I scroll to the bottom of the javascript sdk page, I can click into "package documentation", but everything to the reference docs I would expect are deep links, or through the registry. Perhaps another top-level link under languages and SDKs that can direct a user to all the reference documentation for the sdk packages? It also appears the documentation linked in the footer is empty https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/
@millions-furniture-75402 yes!! almost tried to fit that exact work in with this current change, but held back. hope to have more fixed up on the languages+sdks experience soon. including a direct link to the sdk under the language in the left nav.
thank you
@millions-furniture-75402 good news! you can now find direct links to the sdk docs from the left nav under languages+sdks, then that particular language. dotnet has turned out to be more difficult so ill follow-up adding that one later this week. hope these improve your experience! as you have more needs or frustrations please def let me know!! 💜
Much better, thank you. That avoids feeling like you get lost in a loop, and I feel like logically it makes sense in the hierarchy.
Though... the left sidebar does abandon telling me where I am in the hierarchy after clicking into one of the references, e.g. this page has down "you are here on this page/section" selected in the left sidebar: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/pulumi/ To reproduce: 1. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/languages-sdks/javascript/ 2. Click "SDK docs" under the selected "TypeScript (Node.js)" menu item 3. Now the left sidebar has no selection to indicate what section I'm in Expected: Show me where I am in the hierarchy.
yah, this is debt thats on my list to fix, but wanted to try and get this out as quickly as possible. more followups coming soon.