I’m having some trouble with `aws:assumeRole`. For...
# aws
I’m having some trouble with
. For the most part it works, but I just ran into a situation where pulumi fails to delete a resource, seemingly because it’s trying to do so without the
credentials. I have the following in my stack yaml:
Copy code
    roleArn: arn:aws:iam::WORKFLOW_ACCT_ID:role/AWSControlTowerExecution
I run
pulumi up
after assuming a role in the management account on the cli. I have a log statement in my pulumi program that shows that
is in effect and the caller id is for the workflow acount. But it fails to delete a resource, saying the management account id isn’t allowed:
Copy code
  aws:ecr:LifecyclePolicy (axial-stream-repo):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* AWS Account ID not allowed: MGT_ACCT_ID

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (axial-stream-dev):
    current caller identity: arn:aws:sts::WORKFLOW_ACCT_ID:assumed-role/AWSControlTowerExecution/aws-go-sdk-1684286516770199000
    IMAGE_TAG: latest
    error: update failed
Wondering if @dry-journalist-60579 has run into this issue 👀
Hmm oh whoa, I’ve never seen that…
Maybe ask ChatGPT what it thinks about it? Maybe there is some sort of policy set on one of the accounts that prevents certain actions?
The odd part is that it’s complaining about the mgt account, when it’s supposed to have assumed a role in the workflow account …
hmm weird 🙁
yeah this would be a blocker for me adopting pulumi deployments