Hello guys, I’m having a strange issue, and wonde...
# general
Hello guys, I’m having a strange issue, and wondering if anybody has any idea. I’ve recently updated my pulumi version to match latest, and since then, pulumi has been trying to update the random-hex characters at the end of my existing resources, something like this:
Copy code
name        : "my-stack-audit-d21bbd9" => "my-stack-audit-6494e4d"
I could not find any configuration explaining why that would happen, and downgrading back to an older version doesn’t seem to work Anybody had the same issue ? Or have an idea on how to debug it ? Thanks
Was that an update of the puiumi cli or the SDK versions?
Both cli and pulumi-python, I've tried to rollback everything but pulumi still tries to rename most of my resources, same thing happening on multiple stacks too
You might want to open an issue for this. If you can include the rest of the update diff we might be able to see what's triggering the change.
Sure, you mean a support ticket or a GitHub issue ?
If you have enterprise support do it via that, else just a github issue.
Thanks, will do
Hi, I'm dealing with this issue now
I believe it was a bug introduced in Pulumi 3.66.0 and fixed in Pulumi 3.68.0
I'm still wrapping my head around it, but it seems to have been triggered by a combination of using
and, in my case, Pulumi 3.67.1
The way I managed to recover was to rollback to a previous version of the Pulumi stack and then run a bunch pulumi refreshes and pulumi imports to match my latest changes, since I had built new infrastructure
Pulumi was trying to replace my whole infrastructure before that
Thanks a lot for the feedback @ambitious-father-68746 , did you just download a precious version of the stack and run a
pulumi stack import
? I was planning to do that if I didn’t find any other fix
I basically went back in time, one by one, until I reached one that wasn't broken. To be fair, I only expect you to need to go back one or two versions.
Found this issue, definitely the same problem that we encountered: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/12964 @echoing-dinner-19531: do you know if there is a recommended way to fix the problem from the GitHub issue ?
If you've got a backup of the old state just importing it would probably be easiest. If __defaults got deleted I'm not sure a refresh alone will fix that.
I'm sure that simply using
doesn't work, because I've been dealing with this since Thursday...
Yes using refresh 100% doesn't work, will try an import of an old state tomorrow morning 🤞
I had to go back a long while (1 month+) for some of our stacks, but everything is back working 🎉 Thanks again @ambitious-father-68746, I owe you a beer (or a bunch of)
Glad you were able to solve it so quickly!