I am getting below `error: .pulumi/stacks/nonprod....
# general
I am getting below
error: .pulumi/stacks/nonprod.json: snapshot integrity failure; refusing to use it: resource urn:pulumi:nonprod::ai::azure:appservice:HttpEventSubscription$azure:appservice/functionApp:FunctionApp::api dependency  refers to missing resource
from AzureDevOps job using branch, it was runing OK until today. Nothing has change from and just want to add dummy data to the API, any advice
You'll probably need to delete that FunctionApp from the state file and re-import it
@echoing-dinner-19531 Can you please elaborate a bit more and do you have an example, thank you
There's a state delete command:
pulumi state delete urn:pulumi:nonprod::ai::azure:appservice:HttpEventSubscription$azure:appservice/functionApp:FunctionApp::api
But you'll then need to import that back with
pulumi import azure:appservice/functionApp:FunctionApp api <ID>