Hi, the file `sdk/go/pulumi/config/require.go` sa...
# contribute
Hi, the file
says at the beginning: // Code generated by "generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT. What that does even mean for this case?. I see here there are functions used to load the secrets from a stack there and could not find anywhere where the codegen generate the functions based on any parameter. If not in this file, where then? 🤔
can you share more context around what you would like to contribute?
I am trying to unify the message displayed when a secret is not found. Currently on all 3 sdk the message is different. Ideally it will be the same for all 3 to avoid confusion.
It's generated by https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/tree/master/sdk/go/pulumi/generate So you'll want to fix up the templates in there
@echoing-dinner-19531 The templates have the same legend "_// Code generated by "generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT_.". is that informative in this case?
Yup, we could probably pull the header out of the templates and have generate.go just add it as part of it's code, little bit more code to do that but might be simpler for new readers to understand.