I'm using the `pulumi_azure_native` Python package...
# azure
I'm using the
Python package - latest release
and need to use the
API spec version for
but it's not present in the Python package. Not sure how the structure works within the repository for enabled API specs but this spec seems to have been added to v1-removed.json last month with this commit from @melodic-tomato-39005. Also see that the nightly-sdk-generation build has been failing for the 2 weeks but don't know if that is connected. Any tips or tricks on how I would go about this?
Hi @adventurous-butcher-54166! Unfortunately, this API version is not available in azure_native v1. NPM has a limit on how large a package can be and this prevents us from adding new API versions at the moment. Luckily, we’re working on azure_native v2 which won’t have this problem. You’re welcome to take the pre-release for a spin. It’s pretty much the same as v1 except the default API versions are updated and some older ones are removed, plus a few other minor changes. We’re also expecting to release the next pre-release soon.
Ah ok – unfortunate limitation 🙂 Thanks for clarifying. We've been eye-balling the v2 release waiting for it to be battle ready. Looking forward to testing it – the link you sent is broken btw.
Oh, the release seems to be private. Let me look into fixing this.
Is there some discussion/bulletin board/progress feed on the V2 release that I can follow?
Here’s an Epic we use for high-level tracking. Sometimes it’s a few days behind but eventually we update it. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/2194
Really nice – Keep up the good work!