With the pulumi CLI, pulumi up gives informative o...
# automation-api
With the pulumi CLI, pulumi up gives informative output on plugin installs e.g.:
Copy code
Downloading plugin: 158.80 MiB / 158.80 MiB [====================] 100.00% XmYs
[resource plugin aws-5.40.0] installing
However, when using the automation api with
, I'm only getting this output:
Copy code
@ updating.....................................................................
for as long as it takes plugins to install. Is there a way to get the same more verbose output with the automation API? Thanks!
Bumping this question in case anyone knows 🙏 With the pulumi CLI, pulumi up gives informative output on plugin installs e.g.:
Copy code
Downloading plugin: 158.80 MiB / 158.80 MiB [====================] 100.00% XmYs
[resource plugin aws-5.40.0] installing
However, when using the automation api with
, I'm only getting this output:
Copy code
@ updating.....................................................................
for as long as it takes plugins to install. Is there a way to get the same more verbose output with the automation API? Thanks!
This info must be suppressed for non-interactive mode. Would you mind opening an issue? github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues
will do 🙂 Thanks! Do you think I could build a workaround using interactive mode? perhaps by calling InstallPlugins directly?
There are workspace level methods for installing plugins manually, you could try that! The other thing you could investigate is the engine event stream. This is the raw source that the CLI renderer uses, but the events are very very low level.