Hi friends, i’m experiencing a state diff with the...
# aws
Hi friends, i’m experiencing a state diff with the aws.RouteTable resource - I’m using a transit_gateway_id=tgw_id with aws.Route to define the route attached to a RouteTable with no routes declared during table creation. I have a feeling this relates to the aws.Route resource modifying the aws.RouteTable resource (its routes) and not notifying it. Feels like RouteTable needs to support a mode where it ignores route changes because they are managed externally, but still monitors all other properties?
Hi @strong-helmet-83704, sorry you’re running into this. Does this issue reflect what you’re seeing?
Close but not quite. #1574 is related to various gateway type names being valid inputs which are later updated because the cloud stores them differently. My issue uses the correct type of gateway - but the route is created by aws.Route - when i create the RouteTable routes=[] - so i think the state goes from nothing to something but the state of RouteTable is not updated by Route
I see. Would you mind opening a new issue at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues? In the meantime, would ignoreChanges help as a workaround?
ignoreChanges on the RouteTable routes property seems to help with some issues i was facing. But doing a refresh after the deployment still seems to find the change in the RouteTable… should it just ignore them completely during refresh?