:mega: We've <released a preview> of the Pulumi Az...
# announcements
📣 We've released a preview of the Pulumi Azure Native Provider v2 along with the corresponding API docs. Please take it for a spin and I would love to receive feedback either directly or by opening an issue. Here's the epic for tracking. Thanks!
Good morning, is there a summary of release notes / breaking changes?
oh, I see... it's in the the epic 🙂
No worries, there's a lot of information in the epic. The migration guide (coming soon!) will provide an easier to read summary of the changes and impact.
as far as I understand main goal is performance improvements? while I see you are working on this v2, any ideas why this was not included in epic? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/8613
or after the release, it will be obsolete?
Great question and thank you for raising this! As it is currently planned, these two issues are not in scope for the initial v2 release. We will continue to iterate on the next improvements and will keep these in mind for next cycle. If there is potential to resolve these as non-breaking changes, they could be included in a future v2 minor release.