Hi! I tried to install the vendor binary as the fo...
# general
Hi! I tried to install the vendor binary as the following documentation mentions https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/dynatrace/installation-configuration/ . I use "pulumi plugin install resource dynatrace" and get the follow error "error: 404 HTTP error fetching plugin from https://api.github.com/repos/pulumi/pulumi-dynatrace/releases/latest. If this is a private GitHub repository, try providing a token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See: https://github.com/settings/tokens" Why can't download the provider binary ?
The install instructions for that are wrong. You want to run
pulumi plugin install resource dynatrace --server <github://lbrlabs>
The registry page just displays what the provider github has
Sorry but for this case what is the server that i need use ?
Correct command is:
pulumi plugin install resource dynatrace --server <github://api.github.com/lbrlabs>
it works, thank you very much!
I always forget the api.github.com part 😞