I’m having a new issue when running my Github Acti...
# pulumi-deployments
I’m having a new issue when running my Github Actions with Pulumi (Image Attached) I haven’t seen this before. Do I need to configure my Deployment in Pulumi UI to include ENVs for AWS? The Github Action was working fine just yesterday without these variables
Yes, Pulumi Deployments can read credentials from two sources (both within deployment settings): 1. You can put credentials in environment variables and mark them as secret 2. You can configure OIDC for AWS https://www.pulumi.com/docs/pulumi-cloud/deployments/oidc/aws/ I'd definitely recommend (2). It's what we do internally for all of our Deployments at Pulumi. Only takes ~15 minutes to set up the first time within AWS and then all of your deployments can use temporary, scoped credentials. Definitely a security best practice.
Also @elegant-gigabyte-8733 I saw your recent tweet, glad you are enjoying Pulumi so far! If you have any feedback or run into any issues, please do open bugs/feature requests as we really appreciate the input! 🙏 https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-cloud-requests/issues/new
Thank you! This is very helpful. I’m a Co-Founder of a startup and I need to spin up/down many AWS environments for out testing and Pulumi has made it a breeze. Once we get some more paying customers looking forward to upgrading to a Pulumi license of some sort (I still need to take a closer look at the offering)
Sounds like a great use case for pulumi and pulumi deployments. Keep an eye out, we have a feature coming soon that will enable you to automatically spin up new environments when you open a PR - might be useful for testing/development scenarios like yours. As for the pricing, we have a free startup offer that gives you access to the core features of the Pulumi Cloud. You can email sales@pulumi.com or I can put you in touch with someone directly if you’re ever interested in getting set up with that.
Ohh snap I will email thanks @lemon-agent-27707