Hello <#C037PV12W6L|pulumiverse>! I lead the OSS ...
# pulumiverse
Hello #pulumiverse! I lead the OSS ecosystem team at Pulumi, a new team this year with a focus on building tools to grow our ecosystem. We're reaching code completion on the upgrade provider tool by @adventurous-eve-83859 and @ancient-policeman-24615 and we'd love for someone in the community to give this a try, comment on it, and we'd like to highlight your experience & the provider you maintain in an upcoming blog post. The @pulumi/upgrade-provider GitHub Action automates updating a TF bridged provider from the upstream source, rebuilds the SDKs, and creates a pull request for you. Here's an example upgrade PR on the databricks repository, and you'll see that it in the happy path case it's very low touch. We're considering automatically merging these PRs in the future, even. This tool depends on some other new features our team has rolled out, such as automatic token mapping & aliasing, which has made it so that we don't need to add resource and data source mappings to resources.go for new items. You can see that in the resources.go source code. If you're interested, please reply. This team is very interested in improving the provider authoring & publishing experience, so your feedback is always welcome.
@orange-policeman-59119 @ancient-policeman-24615 gave the
a quick shot on the Pulumiverse Time provider:
Copy code
go: finding module for package <http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime|github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime>
<http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/shim|github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/shim> imports
        <http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime|github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime>: module <http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time@latest|github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time@latest> found (v0.9.1), but does not contain package <http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime|github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-time/internal/tftime>
I wonder if such a major overhaul of a provider can be automated in any way: • layout of version 0.8.0 (used in the Pulumi Time provider) -> screenshot • current layout -> screenshot
Hashicorp not only migrated the Provider to the Plugin Framework, but cleaned up the technical debts as well e.g. the directory layout.