Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows of detaile...
# general
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows of detailed docs or a (non-trivial) example of how to export, manually edit, and import a pulumi stack's state file? I see several brief mentions in the docs/troubleshooting guide, but a real-life example would be very helpful for understanding the potential pitfalls, etc.
I hope to avoid manually editing the state, but we've hit several documented bugs in upgrading the
provider to a new major version with some schema changes. I'm hopeful we can find a better workaround than manually editing the state, but want to have a better grasp of the process in case it comes to that...or for importing the state for disaster recovery if needed.
What were the issues you were seeing with the new version of the provider? I am hitting problems with importing Cloudflare resources so I'm curious