Hi, I noticed that <inline types> that are linked ...
# docs
Hi, I noticed that inline types that are linked to a chooser introduce additional padding, which seems out of place within a text. Are they intentionally displayed that way?
great catch, not intentional, ill take a look later today!
@billions-electrician-62741 this should be fixed now, mind sending a new screenshot of what you are seeing on this page?
@brainy-church-78120 Looks great! Two remaining issues: • an additional newline is getting added after each inline chooser which renders as a white-space (the source doesn't have it, but the generated markup does) • some types aren't linked: for Go the Input snippet isn't linked, and for C# none of them are linked, even though there seems to be a reference that can be linked to
hi @billions-electrician-62741 im not seeing a newline, but there is some margin there; i do suppose for choosers that are directly followed by a code block we could reduce that a bit, ill take a look later this week. for the bug on inputs&outputs, we are about to land a change to the content on that page, once that happens ill fix up the linking. thx for reporting!!