I have used pulumi to create an S3 bucket and I at...
# aws
I have used pulumi to create an S3 bucket and I attached a role to it without pulumi, now when I try to do
pulumi up
I am getting the following error:
Copy code
Error putting S3 Grants: AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs
Copy code
const POC = new aws.s3.Bucket(
    bucket: POCS3BucketName,
    forceDestroy: false,
    grants: [
        id: currentAwsUser.then((currentUser) => currentUser.id),
        type: "CanonicalUser",
        permissions: ["FULL_CONTROL"]
    versioning: {
      enabled: true
    lifecycleRules: archiveLogsLifecycleRules,
    serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: archiveBucketServerSideEncryption
    protect: true