Tried to run my first deployment on a remote <fly....
# automation-api
Tried to run my first deployment on a remote server, but I was using the default image with only 256mb of ram, so it ran out of memory and crashed 😅 scaled up to 1gb and that seemed to have done the trick, but may need to now put some kind of queue in place
Very cool! What are you building? Some sort of API to provision infrastructure?
Hey Evan, I've created a query language for the web and you can use it to extract data in html/json apis/etc or record ping, http status codes, ssl handshakes, etc Now I'm working on a data platform where you can operationalize the queries inside of projects. Each project compiles into a small-ish stack of ~20 cloud resources, including dynamic provider resources which were fun to write 🙂
Very cool. You may want to check out deployments. Can be useful to programmatically run updates in an API-driven setting