I have a new use case to add a React wfe to Pulumi...
# general
I have a new use case to add a React wfe to Pulumi. Anyone built anything like this yet?
For AWS, build artifacts go into S3 and get frontend by CloudFront, such as https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-static-website
Might be even easier to start with a static-website template: https://www.pulumi.com/templates/static-website/aws/
So the use case is not actually deploying a website but building an interactive website to the Pulumi SDK. Much like LENS IDE. Except here we could dynamically adjust and allocate resources.
The easiest way to get started is against the Pulumi REST API. Then you might want to consider if your needs require your own RESTful service that can leverage the automation api for my complex orchestration and templating.
That's the route I was thinking as well.
Just putting feelers out to see if anyone had begun that process.
I think it falls in line with Pulumi's vision for the service, considering the steps they've taken with deployments.
Anyway, a react front-end for managing a resource graph that can generate a plan is pretty sweet. I've seen some basic versions of it, but nothing too impressive coverage-wise yet.