Hi. Do people recommend using the classic or nativ...
# aws
Hi. Do people recommend using the classic or native provider for AWS? What are pros and cons for each? Br Nikolaj
Native is a lot more up to date, the AWS classic still runs the terraform abstraction which is not as up to date… I am pretty sure the general move is towards native at least it is on the Azure side…
@salmon-guitar-84472 thanks, that's what I assumed as well. I've been using the classic provider since it looked default on the Pulumi website 😞
Use Classic unless what you need isn't in Classic - then use Native.
Native is based on CloudControl, and there's many important resources that are not yet available in CloudControl's API.
yeah maybe AWS is different to Azure, Azure stuff is missing from Classic
Correct - Azure Native is RTM (2.0. is in preview). AWS Native is like... 0.7, I think?