Hello! I have one Component Provider (CP_A) that c...
# python
Hello! I have one Component Provider (CP_A) that creates a certain resource. I created another Component Provider (CP_B) that deploys 3 resources, one of which is one of the resources in CP_A. So I packaged up CP_A and imported it into CP_B, but - when I do a `pulumi up`I get this strange error
Copy code
Exception: Unexpected <class 'Exception'>: Unexpected <class 'AttributeError'>: 'DependencyResource' object has no attribute '_transformations'
Is this error related to this https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/12996 by any chance or could this just be a user error?
This looks like a bug, can you raise an issue at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues about it. Looks like the parenting code doesn't correctly handle component resources as parents.
can do! thanks @echoing-dinner-19531!