Hi there, I've been digging into Review Stacks sin...
# pulumi-deployments
Hi there, I've been digging into Review Stacks since the announcement this week and I was wondering if there were recommendations for supporting a multi-project preview (will thread details)
Our current setup is to have 3 repos: 1. FE monorepo 2. BE monorepo 3. Common infrastructure that impacts the FE + BE Each of these really have one pulumi project (with one stack per environment) that's relevant to the application, so to have a true application preview we'd need to deploy a stack from each repo (3 stacks total) Is there any first class way to chain this together with Review Stacks? I know we could just manually up things in Github Actions, but it would be great if there was a supported path forward! Thank you in advance, really love working with Pulumi and really appreciate all the hard work y'all are pouring in
We don't have great support for orchestrating multiple stacks via a single pull request, but definitely feedback we've heard from other and have plans to investigate. I opened an issue that you can drop notes into or +1: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-cloud-requests/issues/267 In the meantime, you could consider a slightly different workflow: • review stacks for BE monorepo are configured to point at a static "dev" stack for the Common infra. PR comments for this stack would just have your API URL, and developers could run the FE locally using that API URL • review stacks for the FE monorepo are configured to point to a static "dev stack for the BE infra project. If a developer does want to open a PR that depends on API changes, they could change the review stack config manually to point to a BE review stack.
Thank you Evan, thank you for making that issue and the proposed workarounds, those make a lot of sense! I'll think about these and try a hand at implementing it!