I have the following simplified resource: ``` n...
# typescript
I have the following simplified resource:
Copy code
new aws.s3.BucketPolicy("pulumi-infrastructure-bucket-policy", {
        bucket: bucket.bucket,
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "Bool": {
                    "aws:SecureTransport": "false"
I would like to make those two Resource definitions dynamic, but when I switch to the
notation I get an error that my string literal contains a
somehow. Even though I am inside a backticks backed string.
is an output, you can't use that with backtick formatting. Look at the docs at https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs/#outputs-and-strings and for JSON policies like this https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/inputs-outputs/#outputs-and-json
@echoing-dinner-19531 Yeah, I wrapped my whole stack in a
const main = async () => {} …
construct and made the wrong assumption that a
const bucket = await new aws.s3.bucket()
would resolve the Promise/Output.
Happy layer 8 problem on my side. Still learning the details about TypeScript every day
Yeh no worries, output values are the most unusual part of the Pulumi SDKs. Nearly everyone trips up on them first day.
Hehe, yes. I thought I had mastered them, but my naive thinking of await new .. threw me off track. 🙂