```import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; impor...
# general
Copy code
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as resources from "@pulumi/azure-native/resources";
import * as network from "@pulumi/azure-native/network";
import * as containerservice from "@pulumi/azure-native/containerservice";
import * as kubernetes from "@pulumi/kubernetes";

// Grab some values from the Pulumi stack configuration (or use defaults)
const projCfg = new pulumi.Config();
const numWorkerNodes = projCfg.getNumber("numWorkerNodes") || 1;
const k8sVersion = projCfg.get("kubernetesVersion") || "1.26.3";
const prefixForDns = projCfg.get("prefixForDns") || "pulumi";
const nodeVmSize = projCfg.get("nodeVmSize") || "standard_B2s";
// The next two configuration values are required (no default can be provided)
const mgmtGroupId = projCfg.require("mgmtGroupId");
const sshPubKey = projCfg.require("sshPubKey");

// Create a new Azure Resource Group
const resourceGroup = new resources.ResourceGroup("resourceGroup", {});

// Create a new Azure Virtual Network
const virtualNetwork = new network.VirtualNetwork("virtualNetwork", {
    addressSpace: {
        addressPrefixes: [""],
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,

// Create three subnets in the virtual network
const subnet1 = new network.Subnet("subnet1", {
    addressPrefix: "",
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    virtualNetworkName: virtualNetwork.name,

// Create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster
const managedCluster = new containerservice.ManagedCluster("managedCluster", {
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    addonProfiles: {},
    agentPoolProfiles: [{
        availabilityZones: ["1","2","3"],
        count: numWorkerNodes,
        enableNodePublicIP: false,
        mode: "System",
        name: "systempool",
        osType: "Linux",
        osDiskSizeGB: 30,
        type: "VirtualMachineScaleSets",
        vmSize: nodeVmSize,
        vnetSubnetID: subnet1.id,
    apiServerAccessProfile: {
        authorizedIPRanges: [""],
        enablePrivateCluster: false,
    dnsPrefix: prefixForDns,
    enableRBAC: true,
    identity: {
        type: "SystemAssigned",
    kubernetesVersion: k8sVersion,
    linuxProfile: {
        adminUsername: "azureuser",
        ssh: {
            publicKeys: [{
                keyData: sshPubKey,
    networkProfile: {
        networkPlugin: "azure",
        networkPolicy: "azure",
        serviceCidr: "",
        dnsServiceIP: "",
    aadProfile: {
        enableAzureRBAC: true,
        managed: true,
        adminGroupObjectIDs: [mgmtGroupId],

// Build a Kubeconfig to access the cluster
const creds = containerservice.listManagedClusterUserCredentialsOutput({
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    resourceName: managedCluster.name,
const encoded = creds.kubeconfigs[0].value;
const decoded = encoded.apply(enc => Buffer.from(enc, "base64").toString());

// Apply the Percona XtraDB container image to the Kubernetes cluster
const k8sProvider = new kubernetes.Provider("k8sProvider", {
    kubeconfig: decoded,

const perconaXtradbDeployment = new kubernetes.apps.v1.Deployment("percona-xtradb-deployment", {
    metadata: {
        name: "percona-xtradb",
    spec: {
        replicas: 1,
        selector: {
            matchLabels: {
                app: "percona-xtradb",
        template: {
            metadata: {
                labels: {
                    app: "percona-xtradb",
            spec: {
                containers: [
                        name: "percona-xtradb",
                        image: "percona/percona-xtradb-cluster:8.0",
                        ports: [
                                containerPort: 3306,
                        env: [
                                name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD",
                                value: "kjhkjhjkhkhllg",
                        resources: {
                            requests: {
                                memory: "1Gi",
                            limits: {
                                memory: "1.5Gi",
}, { provider: k8sProvider });

const perconaXtradbService = new kubernetes.core.v1.Service("percona-xtradb-service", {
    metadata: {
        name: "percona-xtradb",
    spec: {
        selector: {
            app: "percona-xtradb",
        ports: [
                port: 3306,
                targetPort: 3306,
        type: "LoadBalancer",
}, { provider: k8sProvider });

// Export some values for use elsewhere
export const rgName = resourceGroup.name;
export const networkName = virtualNetwork.name;
export const clusterName = managedCluster.name;
export const kubeconfig = decoded;
is there anything wrong with this code structure ? after executing this the created cluster uses a high amount of ram. what should be the reason for that ?