Greetings. Is there a way to wait for `k8s.helm.v3...
# general
Greetings. Is there a way to wait for
to fully install all its resources to get a reference to a resource created by the helm release? What I’m trying to achieve is install an
helm release and get the k8s Service it creates, to get the Service’s external IP. I’m getting the resource like this: `const gatewayService = k8s.core.v1.Service.get("istio-gateway-service", pulumi.interpolate`${gateway.namespace}/${}`, { dependsOn: [gateway] });` but it fails with
error: Preview failed: resource 'istio-system/istio-ingressgateway' does not exist
and that’s pretty obvious, why would it exist during the preview, when the release is not installed at all?
this should not fail, can you share your whole code?
The thing is that code works perfectly fine if I comment out the
, run
pulumi up
, then return the
and run
pulumi up
again. But I’d like not to do that for every stack.
Sure, here is the code:
Copy code
const gateway = new k8s.helm.v3.Release('istio-gateway', {
    name: 'istio-ingressgateway',
    chart: 'gateway',
    createNamespace: true,
    namespace: 'istio-system',
    forceUpdate: true,
    repositoryOpts: {
      repo: '<>',
    values: {
      labels: {
        app: 'istio-ingressgateway',
        istio: 'ingressgateway',
  }, {
    dependsOn: [istiod],

  const gatewayService = k8s.core.v1.Service.get("istio-gateway-service", pulumi.interpolate`${gateway.namespace}/${}`, { dependsOn: [gateway] });
  const clusterIp = gatewayService.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip;
looks pretty similar to the example you’ve mentioned
if you do
kubectl get svc
on the
namespace, what is returned?
ohh, i see. the trick is it should be `pulumi.interpolate`${gateway.status.namespace}/${}`
so the
was missing
@billowy-army-68599 thanks a lot for the link
ah yeah that’ll do it, the outputs don’t resolve until status is there
glad you got it working!