Hi :slightly_smiling_face: I'm looking to run `pul...
# general
Hi 🙂 I'm looking to run
pulumi up
in a remote machine, based on a
pulumi preview
run that was manually approved.
Is there a way to achieve this? Ideally, I imagine a
flag in the Pulumi CLI, that accepts some pre-existing diff checksum.
Pulumi deployments will run the execution for you as part of the Pulumi cloud service, but the exact functionality yoire looking for isn’t implemented. You’d need to file a feature requests in github.com/pulumi/pulumi
sure, pulumi deployments may work, but my runtime is GitHub Workflows 🙂
hence the ask. I'll file an issue i guess
update plans addresses the preview part, not the remote part
if you mean the
pulumi up
by “remote part”:
Copy code
To use an update plan run pulumi up --plan=plan.json, this will constrain the update to only the operations that were saved to the plan.
Ah it seems I misread the original ask. @prehistoric-printer-15534 this will do what you’d like it to do 👆 👆
oh, gotcha. this does seem to do the job. thanks!