Why does the pulumi AWS provider have a git submod...
# general
Why does the pulumi AWS provider have a git submodule to what appears to be an unmaintained repo https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/master/.gitmodules#L3C8-L3C56 ?
Hi Devon, it’s not unmaintained, we’re just not using the master branch. See https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/branches for recent activity.
ah thanks.
so is pulumi using the terraform aws provider under the hood?
The Pulumi engine, service, and CLI are completely separate from Terraform. To connect to different cloud services, Pulumi uses both native and bridged providers. Bridged providers use TF providers under the hood. For AWS, we both have the bridged AWS Classic and the AWS Native provider. The latter is not GA yet.