I'm new to the group and we are just starting to l...
# general
I'm new to the group and we are just starting to look into Pulumi. One requirement we have is we need the ability to create custom packages that are specific to our organization. This means we don't want to upload them to the public registries. Can we create a private package and push it to our internal node/python registry and use it with Pulumi?
yep! you just need: • a place to store binaries, like an S3 bucket or other object store • a place to push SDK’s, like an internal artifactory or codeartifact
@billowy-army-68599 That is great! Do we need to configure Pulumi to know where to pull the packages? Can you point me to documentation? I could not find it.
you don’t need to configure pulumi to know about it, you do need to pass some inputs to the package to let the pulumi engine know where the binary is here: https://github.com/lbrlabs/pulumi-lbrlabs-eks/blob/main/schema.yaml#L6
pluginDownloadUrl is the schema definition for where to look for the binary
@billowy-army-68599 thank you very much