I keep getting this whenever I work with the azure...
# azure
I keep getting this whenever I work with the azure dns resource... am I doing something wrong...
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cannot check existence of resource '/subscriptions/[sub]/resourceGroups/[secret]/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnsZones/[secret]/A/recordSet': status code 400, {"error":{"code":"NoRegisteredProviderFound","message":"No registered resource provider found for location 'global' and API version '2023-07-01-preview' for type 'dnszones/A'. The supported api-versions are '2015-05-04-preview, 2016-04-01, 2017-09-01, 2017-09-15-preview, 2017-10-01, 2018-03-01-preview, 2018-05-01'. The supported locations are ', global'."}}
The code is pretty simple.
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var recordSet = new RecordSet("recordSet", new()
            RelativeRecordSetName = "collector",
            ARecords = 
                new ARecordArgs()
                    Ipv4Address = collectorIngress.Status.Apply(s => s.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Ip),
            RecordType = "A",
            ResourceGroupName = dnsZoneResourceGroup,
            Ttl = 3600,
            ZoneName = dnsZoneName,
variable should contain the name of the resource group, not the id or a Pulumi object. Check if that fixes the issue.
yeah, it's just the name