Hi, I’d like to ask about what is the best/recomme...
# general
Hi, I’d like to ask about what is the best/recommended way to implement the following use case. I’m using Python. I want to create a certain GitLab CI/CD variable for a list of GitLab projects that I construct dynamically by calling the API directly (with
). The GitLab API needs an authentication token that I am providing via a configuration secret:
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gitlab_config = pulumi.Config('gitlab')
gitlab_apikey = gitlab_config.require_secret('api_key')
This already is problematic, as the value of
is an
. In order to use it in
, I need to do everything inside an `apply()`:
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def get_projects(api_key: str):
    gl = gitlab.GitLabApi(api_key)

    projects = gl.get_projects()
    for project in projects:

This works OK, but now I would need to create resources (namely, the gitlab.ProjectVariable resource) and Pulumi best practice (that I read somewhere in a github issue from someone at Pulumi, so assuming it’s correct) is to not create resources in the
callback. So, what are my options here? Thank you!