Hey folks! I've run into a problem with <Network.Z...
# azure
Hey folks! I've run into a problem with Network.Zone during my upgrade to Azure Native 2.0. For my C# stack, I import a non-Pulumi-managed DNS zone in order to create records, like so:
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var dnsZone = Zone.Get(
    name: dnsZoneResourceId.Split('/').Last(),
    id: dnsZoneResourceId
But this code throws an error when I run `pulumi preview`:
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error: Preview failed: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code="NoRegisteredProviderFound" Message="No registered resource provider found for location 'global' and API version '2023-07-01-preview' for type 'dnszones'. The supported api-versions are '2015-05-04-preview, 2016-04
-01, 2017-09-01, 2017-09-15-preview, 2017-10-01, 2018-03-01-preview, 2018-05-01'. The supported locations are ', global'."
That last
supported locations
bit being
', global'
smacks of a typo to my sensibilities (
, global
). I'm not sure if that typo was caused by Pulumi's automated consumption and parsing of the Azure API spec, or if someone over at Azure goofed when writing it. This is further frustrated by trying to go back to using the API version that 1.x used. When hovering over
, the doc comment mentions that the API version used in 1.x was
, but
does not have a
resource defined in it. Indeed, it has very little in it at all; just four methods:
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On a similar note, these previous version comments might be in need of some checking. For example, the
resource mentions that the previous version it used was
, but
doesn't even exist! As it stands, it seems I am unable to migrate to Azure Native 2.0. Does anyone have suggestions for workarounds? Or perhaps are any of these problems I've listed worthy of filing issues in the Azure Native Github repo? Cheers! Update: I have happened upon a truly cursed potential workaround 🧵
I was peeking at the documentation for the
method, and saw the third argument, the
. Inside there is a
field, which the Docs say you should never edit. However, this was the only way I could find that would let me specify the version of the API to use, so I plugged it in:
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var dnsZone = Zone.Get(
    new ()
        Version = "1.104.0"
Lo and behold, it seems to work. The DNS zone is read correctly and appropriately passed on to the other resources. I cannot in good faith recommend anyone actually do this, as it may have consequences I haven't yet encountered. But if, like me, you're desperate to get back to working order, you can give it a try?
Thank you @fast-vr-6049 for this feedback. We have a related issues open #2589 that we are looking into now. Feel free to upvote, add comments, or open an additional issue for this specific resource.
Thank you kindly, Monica! That does indeed seem to be what I'm experiencing, and it looks like a new version has been pushed to address it. Cheers!