hi can i get something clarified about Pulumi. Doe...
# general
hi can i get something clarified about Pulumi. Does it perform a transpilation process from say Python code to Terraform code/HCL then deploys? similar to the way the AWS CDK works or does it just work directly with the APIs without the intermediate transpilation step?
The latter
No transpilation.
awesome thanks! as the Terraform CDK does that and converts the code to a bunch of Terraform templates. Even Azure bicep does the extra transpile step
Yep. The Pulumi engine (well, the plugins associated with the providers, invoked by the engine) make API calls directly.
ok thanks for clarifying 🙂
Some providers' SDKs are built from Terraform providers. For example, the AWS Classic provider. This also builds the docs for the provider, which is why you see references to Terraform, and examples in the docs that look like Terraform HCL.
ok thanks