hi all! I'm new to pulumi and I am having some har...
# azure
hi all! I'm new to pulumi and I am having some hard times trying to make it work from azure devops to deploy a simple webapp in azure cloud, using azblob as configuration storage. I am using the pulumi pipeline extensions to install the tool and login to the azblob. the login task fails with an auth error:
Copy code
2023-07-19T13:37:03.0550199Z [command]/home/vsts/work/_temp/d4fb5200-c230-4f16-b1eb-1e37ce2b27d5/pulumi/pulumi login <azblob://pulumi>
2023-07-19T13:37:03.9080774Z error: problem logging in: read ".pulumi/meta.yaml": blob (key ".pulumi/meta.yaml") (code=Unknown): ===== RESPONSE ERROR (ErrorCode=AuthorizationFailure) =====
2023-07-19T13:37:03.9081523Z Description=This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
I tried both using a service subscription or using clientid/secret/storagekey. someone can help with any clue on where to look next? thank you!
how are you setting the clientid/secret/storagekey
env variables
but never mind, I've got it working right now
what was missing?
worked with subscriptionName, no env variables other than storageAccountName and passphrase
odd thing is... I was sure this was what i was doing in my first attempt...
so at the end i am not sure what was actually missing 😞
thank you anyways for jumping in and trying to help