Hey :wave::skin-tone-2: I’ve been thinking of sta...
# general
Hey 👋🏻 I’ve been thinking of starting a pulumi user group, or at least doing some talks on pulumi, how we use it at my place and what our plans are for the future with it. (Leeds, UK) I guess my questions are: 1: is there any formal process I need to go through to be able to do this and run a user group? 2: do pulumi help if question number 1 is yes, providing slide deck templates etc and some swag potentially 3: if yes, is there any particular content you’d want me to cover (new features, upcoming features etc etc) Thanks!
I'm not totally sure on what our process is here but we have recently announced PUGs: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/join-pulumi-user-group-community/ So I suspect while you can obviously just do your own thing if you want, there will be some process to make it an official Pulumi PUG but you'll also get some help if doing that. I'll ping our internal chats to get someone from our community team to get in touch here.
Awesome thanks @echoing-dinner-19531 !
@victorious-church-57397 while I now live in Seattle, I’m originally from Skipton so have a vested interested in helping you succeed. Feel free to DM me or reach out if there’s anything I can do to help on the Pulumi side
@billowy-army-68599 ah madness! I live in saltaire so on the skipton line! Yeah will do man, thanks for the offer
Your profile picture definitely looks like it was taken around the Yorkshire peaks! Should’ve known 😂
@victorious-church-57397 1. not really any formal process. if you are interested in managing it and keeping it going (e.g., once a quarter), lets do it 2. yeah i can ship you a box of swag. and yeah we have some slide templates 3. we love a combo of customer talks/stories and demos of new features (really anything in the last quarter or so should be interesting and topical)
Awesome! I’m on a trip in London at the moment but I’ll reach out on Monday to get the ball rolling, thanks for the speedy response!
@victorious-church-57397 i want to introduce you to @bumpy-daybreak-37882 who was also interested in doing something in the Leeds area. perhaps the two of you can be co-organizers
Thank you for the intro, @delightful-salesclerk-16161! Nice to meet you, @victorious-church-57397. More than happy to help, whether directly co-organising or helping with strategy and build-out. I run three main user groups across Yorkshire (mainly in Leeds) with around 1500 members, so I'm sure some will be interested in joining a Pulumi meetup.
hey @bumpy-daybreak-37882 - nice to meet you too. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate already but some help would be appreciated for sure, its my first rodeo 😄
are you based in leeds? could meet up one night after work to discuss?
Yeah sure. Send us a DM when your free and let’s go from there