The last time I looked, which I admit was a while ...
# java
The last time I looked, which I admit was a while ago, java was still catching up provider-wise and typescript appeared to be the most pulumi-"native" language so I switched to that
Hi, sorry to hear you switched away from Java. Any particular packages you found missing? There's 79 packages in
Hi. As it was some time ago I can't quite remember exactly what was missing. I think it was some parts of the main Pulumi libs, maybe the one for Kubernetes, that was missing parts in the Java build. I was at the time wanting to use the Flux provider and as that was missing a Java SDK I was going to work on doing a Java build but, because at the time the Flux provider required certain APIs from the Pulumi SDK/libs, I couldn't do the conversion. As such, I went to Typescript as that was common between Pulumi and the Flux provider. I did look at the other supported languages like Go, etc. but from what I read, the consensus appeared to lean towards TS as that had the balance between verbosity and functionality coverage/support.
As Java is my first lang, I would've preferred to stick with Java but unfortunately it seems like it's always trailing the other languages; at least it was that way the last time I looked which I admit was months ago so things may have changed.
TypeScript is an excellent choice for Pulumi also! Sorry to hear Java didn't meet your needs. We're doing some work to bring it up to par and its' always good to hear of specific use cases to prioritize, but it sounds like your particular ship has sailed already.
Yeah, it probably has unfortunately although never say never 🙂 I'm comfortable enough with Typescript that I suspect I'll stick with it and I don't know what the desire is from 3rd party providers to add Java support so unless it's there for "free" (I.e. as much as TS, Go, etc.) then I think it will likely always lag or be missing entirely. I do think that the Java ecosystem when it comes to building is more trustworth/reliable (I.e. maven/gradle vs npm/node) and that might be a reason to switch back. I'll keep my eye out for those updates you hint at and I'll consider it again at that time.